A number of collective activities are undertaken to create this dialogue with stakeholders including scientific roadshows, satellite symposia at major European nutrition events, a website and a comprehensive review of the scientific literature on dairy and health, all with a common European approach.
These are the result of a unique collaboration among the nutritionists from the EMF member organisations. Using science-based nutritional and health data on the milk and dairy food group, which forms an important part of food-based dietary guidelines across Europe, the group’s strength comes from sharing this information which can sometimes vary from one country to another.
1. The first multi-stakeholder information programme on the health benefits of milk and dairy in Europe
Milk is more than calcium. It naturally provides a unique ‘package’ of many essential nutrients that contribute to the proper functioning of the body and are relevant for maintaining good health during all ages and stages of life. This makes milk nutritious by nature.
2. A programme raising awareness on the contribution of natural nutritious foods such as milk and dairy to a healthy, balanced diet
The purpose of the “Milk, Nutritious by Nature” EU information programme is to help address the common problem of many Europeans whose diet is unbalanced with respect to energy and nutrient requirements. Within this context, the programme significantly raises awareness amongst European and national level stakeholders about the importance of helping people choose natural nutritious foods such as milk and dairy as part of a healthy, balanced diet.
3. A programme organised in eigth European countries
The “Milk, Nutritious by Nature” information programme is an EU level programme, with the following countries actively engaged at present: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Ireland, Northern Ireland, The Netherlands and Norway.
4. A programme based on a common science-based narrative, communications tools and activities.
Priorities of the programme include communicating on the nutrient richness and nutritional benefits of milk and keeping milk and dairy “top of mind” as a natural nutritious food choice in a balanced diet. This is achieved through activities such as a web-based information platform, a scientific brochure, a series of scientific events.